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Monday, February 6, 2012

Zen Furniture

Best Friendly interior design is base Zen architecture

Zen furniture is all about the use of natural materials, simplicity and cleanness. Free, navigable and orderly space should mix with soft, light fabrics and simple furnishings and decorations to let an unobstructed flow of energy inside your home.

Domesticated type of wood, such as hard teak wood is perfect for Zen furniture. Tasteful domesticated woods convey the color, vigour, power and superiority of fully grown wood without having a negative impact on the natural resources of the earth.

Teak is the perfect type of wood that can be use to create Zen furniture that goes well with Zen type of living. Zen furniture creates a calming and serene atmosphere while reflecting inner power. With this inner power, elegance and cleanness, it creates effective and appealing Zen furniture. Using Zen designs interior decorations will interact pleasantly with the spaces and structures inside your home that will relax and calm your mind and spirit.

Your dining room is one of the places in your home that you spend time on a regular basis. This is one reason why when you decorate your home’s dining room area, it is best to choose an environment that is calm, cultivating and free from any form of interruptions. It is in the dining room where you, your family and friends will want to spend time to relax and enjoy a good meal together. 

Zen’s interior features a fairly orderly space and uses minimalist design. It also contains good elements that represent individual’s feeling of togetherness. One item of Zen furniture that you can choose is the bench type of chair. This type of seating arrangement lets people seat themselves together rather than those single types of chairs. Zen furniture dining tables can be obtained in rectangular or round shapes. Round shape tables are more favoured because it is believed that round shape tables represent equality amongst the family.

The first thing that you should do before applying the Zen furniture style is to reorganize your room. Make your room functional and simple and purchase items that you will use regularly. Do not put any kind of decorations that will just appear as a cluttered mess in your room. There are many different furniture pieces that you can buy that can also serve as a storage space. This will not only minimize your space but also will make your room look spacious.

Zen’s furniture style exudes the effortless, easiness and the natural balance of nature. The Zen furniture style of decorating applies the key factors of earth, wood, water, metal and fire as its main foundation of motivation. One of the most inexpensive ways of giving your home that Zen feel is with the use of some different types of wooden furniture and some plants and flowers.

Choosing colors that represent Zen aura also helps in giving your home that unique Zen touch. Colors that represent the natural nature of earth are more often favoured for Zen furniture. The colors that work well with Zen style are dark green, white, rich red and sky blue.

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